Shipping Policy

Countries we ship to

Currently, we can deliver to the United States. If you are not located in our current shipping range, please contact us and we will try our best to reach you.

Handing time

We need 2-3 days to prepare for you from order placement to delivery.

Type of shipping
Shipping method
Estimated delivery time

United States




7-12 business days




3-5 business days

*This list is for shipping under normal circumstances. Should we feel that this type of delivery would deteriorate your shopping experience, we may choose to temporarily change the method of shipping.

Shipping FAQs

Q: How can I track my order?

A: Once your order is ‘Fulfilled’, your tracking number will be recorded in your account, and for most countries, you will be able to see where your shipment is, right in your account. For other regions, you may use your tracking number to search for or simply send to a customer service to help you do so.

Q: What if my shipment is damaged?

A: If you find that your purchased product is damaged upon delivery, please contact us and we will send you a replacement.

Q: Why is my shipment taking longer than expected?

A: The expected delivery time that we provide comes from historical tracking under normal circumstances. However, delivery times may fluctuate and delay in occasions such as national holidays or extreme weather. If this happens, please contact our customer service, and we will try our best to speed up the process.

Q: What is shipping protection?

A: For any product delivered to any region, you can choose to protect your order from lost and theft, or just taking too long. By purchasing Shipping Protection, you can claim a refund of $15 should your shipment tracking take more than 15 days, or a speedy replacement for lost or stolen packages.